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HomeTop EntrepreneursInspired by the call of prime minister "Beeti bachao Beeti padhao" we...

Inspired by the call of prime minister “Beeti bachao Beeti padhao” we the team Initiated a Project called Baalikavidya…

Inspired by the call of prime minister “Beeti bachao Beeti padhao” we the team Initiated a Project called Baalikavidya…

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Baalikavidya is an intiative by AnirGroupofcompanies and Arambham foundation started with a belief educating a girl child progress Nation’s development .

On Dec 2nd poster launch of projectBaalikavidya happend in marwah film studio in 14th global film festival

The project Baalikavidya poster is launched by  Dr.Sandeep Marwah, founder of Marwah film studio also inaugurated by

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1)Mrs.Anju handa (curator to sheconnects)

2)Fleming Durate ambassodar paraguey.

3)Arun Bakshi Film Actor.

4)KL ganju Counsal General, Union of comoros.

5)kamalesh shashi Prakash. High commissioner to Fiji

6)Ravikala gupta-Director.

7)Lions club president Gaurav Gupta .

8) Lamont Singhate-high commissioner of Gambia

9) secretary General -Film federation to India

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Project Baalika Vidya is not merely a project about scholastic education, but it was a comprehensive plan to educate the girl child with contemporary modules of scholastic concepts, while educating them about their personal hygiene and personality development, also includes specially curated courses on different career opportunities along with rural development.

India is one country which have majority of population in rural areas, so trying to develop rural India might be a big step towards making our country a developed country rather than a long time status of developing country.


And we strongly believe when we educate a girl child we educate the country. Thus we do our part in building stronger nation of tomorrow.

Project Baalika Vidya is to support One lakh Rural Girl Children to continue their education, to turn their dreams true. In the first step we are focusing on supporting 1000 rural girl children as a pilot project so that we can better understand the pros and cons to move forward towards our big dream of 1 lakh Rural Girl Children.

Each beneficiary of Baalika Vidya Project is supposed to get a edu-tab (customised tablet-pc) with a preloaded app iScool* which contains free internet resources links for all topics covered in scholastic education, along with them links to many free courses offered by world reknown Universities and academies like Harward and Massachusetts gives access to students to learn courses in demand at free of cost at their own pace of time.

And the certified courses curated by us helps them to learn about personal hygiene, personality development, and different career opportunities too.

There will be no exam such things to complete our courses but have to go through two assignments so that they can better know what they learn by applying / practicing.

We thank our Face of event for project Baalikavidya edition1 ,Mrs.India 2020-21 Navdeep kaur who works on vision “Educate to Empower’

Adding a spark Our Mrsindia 2020 navdeep kaur all set to represent India in world platform and make us proud ,wishing her all the very best from team Baalikavidya.


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